make a FREE website in 10 minutes

3 min readFeb 27, 2023


This story features a step-by-step guide to create a free website using GitHub pages.

If you want to see what I was able to create, check out my website using this link:

I recently decided that I wanted to create a portfolio for some of my most recent projects, but didn’t wait to pay to host it. After researching several options I finally landed on Github Pages. And here are the steps I used to make it happen:

If you’re unfamiliar with Github, it is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. If the concept of GitHub intimidates, don’t worry, you don’t need to know any command line code to make this project work.

  • Click ‘Create a New Repository’
  • Name your repository with the structure: <anything-you-want>

Examples could be: or

Leave the rest of the settings at their default selection, and scroll down to the bottom.

  • finalize the creation by clicking ‘create repository’

Now that you’ve create a repository, we need to get to work on your website.

  • Get started by clicking ‘creating a new file’
  • Name the file ‘index.html’

It is really important that you name this file index.html, otherwise your website won’t be functional.

  • Next, we need to write some code for our index.html file

Feel free to use this sample code below to help you get started.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="author" content="Portfolio">
<title>About Me</title>
<h1>About Me Page: My Name</h1>
<h3>Basic Information About Me:</h3>
<p> I like to code! </p>
  • Once you’ve added some code, scroll to the bottom and commit your changes.
  • Next, in the top navigation bar, select ‘Settings’, then in the left side panel, select ‘Pages’
  • At the top it will say something like this:

(Note, I used a custom domain, so you’re url format might be a little different, if anyones interested in how I implemented the custom domain for only 1$ a year, comment below!)

Once, the link is ready, click it, and taa-daa! Your own free website!



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